Hardness testers
Датчик динамический МЕТ
Датчик ультразвуковой МЕТ
Tripod № 2
To order
Leeb portable hardness tester MET-D1A
Ultrasonic portable hardness tester MET-U1A
Leeb portable hardness tester MET-D1
Lubricant "CIATIM"
To order
Ultrasonic portable hardness tester MET-U1
Cylindrical support for UCI probe for cylindrical surfaces
To order
Bushing for hard-to-reach places for ultrasonic probe
To order
Nozzle for spherical surfaces for ultrasonic probe
To order
Ultrasonic portable hardness tester MET-MINI
To order
Portable combined hardness tester MET-UD
Portable combined hardness tester MET-UDA
DREMEL battery-powered grinder
To order
Hardness test blocks
MTB-MET Brinell hardness test blocks set 2nd grade GOST of 3 pcs. (120x75x16) for calibration of portable hardness testers
To order
MTV-MET Vickers hardness test blocks set 2nd grade GOST of 2 pcs. (60х40х10) for calibration of portable hardness testers
To order
MTB-MET Brinell hardness test blocks set 2nd grade GOST of 2 pcs. (60х40х10) for calibration of portable hardness testers
To order
MTR-MET Rockwell hardness test blocks set 2nd grade GOST of 2 pcs. (60х40х10) for calibration of portable hardness testers
To order
MTSR-MET Super-Rockwell hardness test blocks set 2nd grade GOST of 6 pcs. (60х40х10)
To order
HR-MET: Rockwell hardness test blocks
from $50
HShD-MET Shore hardness test blocks
from $50
MTSh-MET Shore hardness test blocks set 2nd grade GOST of 3 pcs. (Ø65x15)
To order
MTB-MET Brinell hardness test blocks set 2nd grade GOST of 3 pcs. (120x75x16)
To order
HSR-MET: Superficial-Rockwell hardness test blocks
from $50
MMTV-MET microVickers hardness test blocks set of 3 pcs. (Ø25x5)
HBW-MET: Brinell
from $50
MTR-MET Rockwell hardness test blocks set 2nd grade GOST of 5 pcs. (60х40х10)
To order
MTV-MET Vickers hardness test blocks set 2nd grade GOST of 4 pcs. (60х40х10)
To order
HV-MET Vickers hardness test block
from $50
MHV-MET microVickers hardness test blocks (Ø25x5)
from $50