MTSR-MET Super-Rockwell hardness test blocks set 2nd grade GOST of 6 pcs. (60х40х10)

The following information is put onto the side surface of the hardness test block:
- Manufacturer's logo (Centre "МЕТ");
- Verification month;
- Test block serial number assigned by the National Metrological Institute of Russia, which performed the calibration;
- Hardness value with an indication of the hardness scale.
The state mark of verification belonging to VNIIFTRI is put onto the working area (right lower angle).
- Minimum dispersion of hardness readings along the surface;
- Long-term stability;
- Manufacturing according to individual orders (on all hardness scales and ranges);
- Delivery by piece and in sets.
Standards compliance
- ISO 6506, ISO 6507, ISO 6508
- ASTM E92, ASTM E384, ASTM E18, ASTM E10
- GOST 9031, 8.064-94, GOST 8.063-07, GOST 8.062-85, GOST 8.516-01
Calibration, verification, certification
Primary calibration of hardness test blocks is performed by VNIIFTRI - the National Metrological Institute of Russia. The verification interval is 2 years.
Centre МЕТ has a license for the production of test blocks №000087-IR issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. Reference hardness test blocks of MET series are registered in the State Register of Measuring Equipment of Russia, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine and have certificates of type approval of measuring instruments.